Release Notes

Better Finances for a Better You

← 1.32.0 Jun 11, 2024 1.30.2 →

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New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Implemented new version of retirement goals, and other improvements to the Goals page
  • Move recurring transactions to 'Recurring' Page (previously 'Calendar') and support adding recurring transactions right on the calendar
  • Added multiple chart options (Pie, Sankey, Trends) to Cashflow>Categories page
  • Added 'Change Password' functionality on Profile page
  • Improved logged in session management with an inactivity timer and supporting refreshes
  • and split for better localized content
  • Various connectivity bug fixes and stability improvements
  • Various other bug fixes and visual improvements


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Added 'Change Password' functionality on Profile page
  • Fix some app crashes on the Cashflow section
  • Various bug fixes for Goals
  • Improved logged in session management
  • Removed restrictions on setting income/expense categories on a transaction
  • Various connectivity bug fixes and stability improvements
  • Various other bug fixes and improvements

← 1.32.0 Jun 11, 2024 1.30.2 →