
Better Finances for a Better You

Budget Section

The Budget section is similar to Cash Flow, but also includes budget targets.

Categories and Transactions

Transactions are grouped by category. Click on the icon to expand a category and see its associated transactions.

You may change the category to which a transaction is assigned using the Category Selector: Uncategorized

Update a transaction by clicking . Split Transaction lets you create individually categorized sub-transactions (e.g. after a visit to Costco or Walmart). One-off implies that a transaction is unique, and will not be included in your Historic Average calculation.

Click "Categories", "Targets" and "Transactions" tabs to toggle between a categorized view and a list view of your transactions.

Date Range

You will only see Transactions within the selected date range. Use the Date Picker to change the date range:

1 Oct 2022  - 31 Oct 2022

To broaden or narrow the date range, click the Period Selector

Expense Type

There are four expense types:

  • Essential - e.g. rent, groceries
  • Non-Essential - e.g. concert tickets, restaurants
  • Savings - e.g. cash directed to a savings account
  • Debt Payment - e.g. a payment toward a mortgage or car loan

Each Category has a default type. You can change the type by clicking the arrow to the right of the type icon.

Budget Targets

A Budget Target represents how much you would like to spend in a Category during a time period.

Actual, Target, Remaining

The Actual column shows the amount you have spent or received during the selected date range.

The Target column shows one of:

  • Historic Average: System-generated average, based on your past behaviour
  • Custom Forecast: set by you
  • Target Value: when a Budget Target is defined

The Remaining column is the difference between Target and Actual. It shows how much you are under or over budget.


The Velocity page shows how your budgeted cash is spent over time for the selected date range.