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EQ | How to: Import .csv Files

Equitable Bank

1 Login to the EQ Bank web portal.
2 From the Dashboard, scroll down and click the account type. For example “Savings Accounts”
3 In Savings Accounts, click on the the specific account you are looking for
4 In the upper right corner of the table, click the download icon (a downward-pointing arrow). This will download a CSV file, which is now stored locally on your computer.
5 Sign in to your Neontra account and select the "My Money" section on the left hand navigation menu.
6 Navigate to the corresponding account. Cash accounts are listed in the "Cash Accounts" tab, credit cards in the "Credit Cards" tab, and investment accounts in the "Investments" tab
7 Click on "Import Reports" on the right
8 Click on "Browse" and select the file you wish to import.
9 Click on "Upload"
10 Categorize uncategorized transactions and/or write a memo
11 Once done, click "Accept Transfers"