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Towards a Healthier Financial Future

TAN | How to: Import .ofx and .qfx Files

Tangerine Bank

1 Log in to your Tangerine online account
2 Select an account
3 Click the "Download Transactions" button above the list of transactions
4 Select a date range
5 For the "Download format" option, select "QFX Quicken"
6 Click "Download"
7 Save the file on your Desktop, or to a folder on your computer. The file will have either a ".ofx" or ".qfx" extension.
8 Sign in to your Neontra account and select the "My Money" section on the left hand navigation menu.
9 Navigate to the corresponding account. Cash accounts are listed in the "Cash Accounts" tab, credit cards in the "Credit Cards" tab, and investment accounts in the "Investments" tab
10 Click on "Import Reports" on the right
11 Click on "Browse" and select the file you wish to import.
12 Click on "Upload"
13 Categorize uncategorized transactions and/or write a memo
14 Once done, click "Accept Transfers"