Almost everyone can improve their overall position, by shifting their mindset about money, not just by monitoring their bank account. This article is meant to provide knowledge and food for thought. It's not a suggestion for a certain action or financial advice.
If you've ever wondered why some people always seem to have money while others struggle with their finances, the answer may lie in their personality. You may not realize it, but there is something called a financial personality, and it can play a big role in how you handle and manage money. Everyone’s idea of a financial personality and financial wellness is different. Some people may call themselves:
What is your financial personality? How you think about money, the ideas that drive your behavior, and the actions that flow from those beliefs are all components of your financial personality. A person's financial personality is influenced by more than just their amount of money; it also includes how well or poorly they handle the little amount of money that does enter their lives.
Instead of looking at "money" or "finances" think about which one of the below applies to your current personal finance habits. Do you:
Whatever your personality type, it's critical that you are conscious of the way you view and handle money. Then, it makes it easier to see your strengths and challenges. Looking at managing finances through this personality lens is important because it can help people see potential blind-spots and better understand why they handle financial decisions the way they do. Regardless of your financial personality Neontra has the tools to help you plan for a brighter more secure financial future. Managing your money is made simple with:
Effortlessly track your cash flow and gain insights that’ll help you find opportunities to save.
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