Release Notes

Better Finances for a Better You

Releases tagged with: "Aggregation"

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New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Implemented ability to rename a Connected Account via the Cloud Button
  • Support deleting transactions
  • Fix Calendar bug not showing some Income transactions
  • Ability to review all duplicates from any duplicate transaction
  • Fix some cases where category selector would get cut off at edge of screen
  • Some bug fixes with navigating between Cashflow/Budget periods
  • Various bug fixes and improvements
Release #1.18.1 Expense Tracking Aggregation Budgeting Cash Flow


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Implemented ability to rename a Connected Account via the Cloud Button
  • Support deleting transactions
  • Fix Calendar bug not showing some Income transactions
  • Some bug fixes with navigating between Cashflow/Budget periods
  • Various bug fixes and improvements
Release #1.18.1 Expense Tracking Aggregation Budgeting Cash Flow


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Support bulk editing more transaction fields
  • Support reimporting CSVs from Neontra back into Neontra
  • Support Loans in CSV/OFX Import
  • Fix filtering by tags, support filters in CSV export
  • Calendar bug fix for correct transaction date, remove Excluded transactions
  • Support more Cryptocurrencies
  • Connected Account stability improvements
  • Fix precision on Investments Table
  • Logic improvements on transaction history default date range
  • Institution Support: Everbank(US) and Bitbuy(CA) added
  • Various bug fixes and improvements
Release #1.16.4 Student Finances Aggregation Crypto


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Fix App Crashes on Deleting Accounts
  • Calendar bug fix for correct transaction date, remove Excluded transactions
  • Support more Cryptocurrencies
  • Connected Account stability improvements
  • Fix precision on Investments Table
  • Logic improvements on transaction history default date range
  • Institution Support: Everbank(US) and Bitbuy(CA) added
  • Various bug fixes and improvements
Release #1.16.4 Student Finances Aggregation Crypto


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug when creating new tags with Transaction Rules
  • Improved accuracy of historical NAV charts for Investment Accounts
  • Improved transaction history logic when switching between accounts
  • View sample of transactions during first step of csv/ofx import
  • Fix bug where Fixed Income accounts were not showing up in My Money
  • Support more date formats for CSV imports
  • Various other bug fixes and improvements
Release #1.15.0 Aggregation Net Worth


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Fix app crash when switching to yearly view in Cash Flow
  • Improved accuracy of historical NAV charts for Investment Accounts
  • Improved transaction history logic when switching between accounts
  • Fix bug where Fixed Income accounts were not showing up in My Money
  • Fix app crash when adding categories in Cash Flow
  • Various other bug fixes and improvements
Release #1.15.0 Aggregation Cash Flow Net Worth


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Rename 'Custom Mapping Rules' to 'Transaction Rules'
  • Add support to apply Transaction Rules To Historical Transactions
  • Add ability to create a Transaction Rule From Transaction History
  • Enable 1 'forced refresh' per day, to fix issues with transactions not showing up on connected accounts
  • Various bug fixes and improvements
Release #1.14.1 Expense Tracking Aggregation


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Enable 1 'forced refresh' per day, to fix issues with transactions not showing up on connected accounts
  • Various bug fixes and improvements
Release #1.14.1 Expense Tracking Aggregation


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Add Transaction History to Loans, Investments, and Money>Overview
  • Persist category selections in Expense Explorer for viewing trend data on specific categories
  • Proper CSV formatting for Exporting Transactions
  • Support disconnecting an individual account from a Connection
  • Fix some missing and incorrect NAV chart data points
  • Prevent closed accounts reappearing on re-sync
  • Improvements to handling different Investment types from Connected Accounts
  • Can use 'Mark as Duplicate' to delete transfers
  • Add Plaid/Flinks Selector for more institutions
  • Bug fix to support adding a loan without a payment
  • Correct count of manual accounts on Profile page
  • Various bug fixes and minor improvements
Release #1.14.0 Aggregation Investments Net Worth Loans


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Add Transaction History to Loans, Investments, and Money>Overview
  • Fix some missing and incorrect NAV chart data points
  • Prevent closed accounts reappearing on re-sync
  • Improvements to handling different Investment types from Connected Accounts
  • Can use 'Mark as Duplicate' to delete transfers
  • Add Plaid/Flinks Selector for more Institutions
  • Bug fix to support adding a loan without a payment
  • Various bug fixes and minor improvements
Release #1.14.0 Aggregation Investments Net Worth Loans


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Implemented Global Add Button on My Money>Overview
  • Fix Bank Search for 'Add Investment Account'
  • Support setting Budget Targets on All Category>Forecast Types
  • Fix some issues with NAV Charts not showing correct historical investment value
  • Improved lookup for Chase Bank
  • Connected Accounts bug fixes and workflow improvements
  • Various bug fixes
Release #1.13.0 Budget Tracking Investments Aggregation Net Worth


New Features & Bug Fixes

  • Fix some issues with NAV Charts not showing correct historical investment value
  • Improved lookup for Chase Bank
  • [iOS] Ensure logged out iOS sessions see 'Logged Out' screen
  • Connected Accounts bug fixes and workflow improvements
  • Various bug fixes
Release #1.13.0 Aggregation Net Worth


Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Google/Apple Auth Support
  • Support Selecting Individual Accounts on Bank Import
  • Ask for Balance on CSV Import
  • Add Settings Page
  • Support different timezones
  • Various bug fixes
Release #0.19438 Aggregation Expense Tracking


Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Google/Apple Auth Support
  • Support Selecting Individual Accounts on Bank Import
  • Added duplicate transaction resolution
  • Support different timezones
  • Various bug fixes
Release #0.19438 Aggregation Expense Tracking


Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • US Accounts Support
  • Improved performance to reduce Login time
  • Connected accounts stability improvements
  • Fix inaccurate currency conversion rounding
  • Support for duplicate detection and multiple import methods into an existing account
  • Fix timezone-related bugs
  • Connected accounts stability improvements
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements
Release #0.19425 Budget Tracking Aggregation Cash Flow


Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • US Accounts Support
  • Ability to import OFX/CSV reports manually into a Connected (auto-import) Account for reconciliation
  • Connected accounts stability improvements
  • Fix Forecast page incorrectly counting Goals
  • Add scroll to registration page for smaller screens
  • Improved performance to reduce Login time
  • Support for duplicate detection and multiple import methods into an existing account
  • Fix timezone-related bugs
  • Connected accounts stability improvements
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements
Release #0.19425 Budget Tracking Financial Goals Aggregation


Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Connected accounts stability improvements
  • Support adding custom Category Mappings on Profile page
  • Support adding new institution when adding a loan
  • Improvements to manual add cash transaction
  • Optimized recurring transfers setting periodicity
  • Fixed small timezone bugs
  • Fixed small display issues on smaller devices
  • Various minor bug fixes and improvements
Release #0.19386 Expense Tracking Aggregation Cash Flow


Improvements & Bug Fixes

  • Support creating a recurring transfer from a historic transfer
  • Support showing upcoming transactions in cashflow/budget transaction tables
  • Fix small timezone bugs
  • Connected accounts stability improvements
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Release #0.19386 Expense Tracking Cash Flow Aggregation

Bug Fixes


  • Performance updates
  • Improvements for FI connections
  • Mobile design updates
  • Standardize modal behaviour across iOS and Android
Release #0.19272 Aggregation

CSV Imports


  • Updated .csv import instructions
Release #0.19087 Aggregation


Manual Imports

  • Added multi OFX, QFX import functionality
  • Clients can now also click, drag and drop files for import
Release #0.18445 Expense Tracking Aggregation

Bug Fixes


  • Cash transaction updates
  • Forecast page improvements
  • FI connection stability upgrades
Release #0.18283 Financial Planning Aggregation Cash Flow

Transaction Management

Bulk Categorizer

  • Added tool tips
Release #0.18159 Aggregation Expense Tracking

Data Import

Connected & Manual Accounts

  • Added a "Help me choose" button when given the choice between 'Connected' and 'Manual' accounts
Release #0.18653 Personal Finance Aggregation

Data Import

Custom Categorization

  • Create custom rules for Neontra to use when automatically categorizing your transactions
Release #0.18913 Expense Tracking Aggregation Budgeting

Data Import


  • Create custom labels that you can assign to a transaction
Release #0.18913 Expense Tracking Aggregation Budgeting

Data Import

CSV Import

  • You can now import your financial data using CSV files
Release #0.19015 Expense Tracking Aggregation Budgeting