The average vacation for one person in the U.S. costs about $1,919 per week. A vacation for two people will typically cost around $3,838 per week.
Use our free vacation goal calculator to start planning for your next holiday →The term "creditworthiness" describes the degree of a lender's trust in a borrower's capacity to return a loan. The borrower's creditworthiness is mostly based on how successfully they have handled their prior financial commitments.
Discover how long it would take to pay down your credit card with our free credit card payoff calculator →In 1950, Diners Club introduced the first payment system resembling a credit card. This wasn't a real credit card, though. It was a charge card instead, and the cardholder was expected to pay the whole debt each month.
Use our credit card payoff calculator to help you plan for a brighter future →How much money do you need to retire?
← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.