Personal Finance

Better Finances for a Better You

Topic: "Financial Advisor"

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10 Tips for Achieving Financial Security By Investopedia

  1. Start Saving As Soon As You Can
  2. View Savings Deposits As a Bill
  3. Save in a Tax-Deferred Account
  4. Diversify Your Portfolio
  5. Consider All Potential Expenses
  6. Retirement Savings Is a Must
  7. Periodically Reassess Your Portfolio
  8. Optimize Your Expenses
  9. Consider Your Spouse
  10. Work With a Financial Planner
It is not too late to adopt some of these practices, even if you are already retired. →

Word of the week

Financial Advisor

A financial adviser is a professional that possesses the certifications, abilities and experience to help with a number of financial matters. The term's broad definition encompasses a variety of specialities and qualifications. A financial advisor may assist you in deciding how to manage your finances for long-term goals like retirement and your children's education, purchasing a home, or more immediate goals.

Choosing a financial advisor →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.