
Better Finances for a Better You

← 065 Neontra Newsletter Issue #064 063 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Did you know?

The average Canadian household spends $49 per month on streaming services, which adds up to an annual cost of $588.

How much does the average Canadian household spend on streaming services annually? →

Word of the week

Closed-loop prepaid card

Only specific merchants allow the usage of this kind of card. A closed-loop card can only be valid at a certain store or collection of retailers. A good example is a closed-loop prepaid card card used on your local public transit system.

You can track all your closed-loop prepaid and gift cards at Neontra →


Budgeting with gift cards or prepaid cards can help you avoid accidental overspending, prepay for expenses and take advantage of store-specific perks, such as discounts and points.

How to Budget Using Gift Cards and Prepaid Cards By Emily Starbuck Gerson →

Quote of the week

"My advice is to treat [credit cards] like what they are: little plastic grenades that must be handled very carefully."

- Elizabeth Warren

Infographic of the week

Mapped: Federal Tax Paid Per Capita Across Canada

Which parts of Canada pay the most personal tax? In 2021, according to the latest available data, people in Ontario paid by far the greatest share: 42% of the total. Of course, Ontario is also the most populated province.

Mapped: Federal Tax Paid Per Capita Across Canada Which parts of the country paid the most and least taxes →


4 Basic Things to Know About Bonds By Eric Fontinelle

Although the bond market appears complex, it is really driven by the same risk-return tradeoffs as the stock market. Once an investor masters these few basic terms and measurements to unmask the familiar market dynamics, they can become a competent bond investor.

How Do Bonds Work? →

← 065 Neontra Newsletter Issue #064 063 →