
Better Finances for a Better You

← 075 Neontra Newsletter Issue #074 073 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Did you know?

A study by the Canadian Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals estimates the average Canadian will own 4.5 to 5.5 homes in their lifetime.

How Many Homes Will You Buy In Your Lifetime? →

Word of the week

Homeowners Insurance

Home insurance provides protection for your home and your belongings in case of theft, loss, or damage. It can also help cover additional living expenses if you're temporarily unable to live in your home, such as living in a hotel or renting a home.

What Is Homeowners Insurance and How Does It Work? →


5 common credit mistakes you should avoid in your 20s by Megan DeMatteo 1) Spending without a plan 2) Using debit over credit 3) Waiting to establish credit 4) Not understanding key terms 5) Getting store cards on a whim

It can be hard to get your finances together in your 20s, learn how avoid common credit mistakes →

Quote of the week

"Wealthy people invest first & spend what’s left… Broke people spend first & invest what’s left."

- Dave Ramsey

Infographic of the week

British Columbia is the Most Expensive Province in Canada to Live by the visualcapitalist

This graphic ranks the Canadian provinces by their cost of living, represented by an index made up of 55 contributing factors.

British Columbia is the Most Expensive Province in Canada to Live by the visualcapitalist British Columbia (BC) and Ontario are Canada’s most expensive places to live by a significant margin →


3 Things Investors Can Learn From Warren Buffett by Keonhee Kim

1) Don’t overpay for stocks, and be patient 2) Favor companies with moats 3) When in doubt, index

Here are just a few things that investors of all experience levels--can learn from Buffett →

Serious stuff

Canadian resources to help improve your financial well-being 1) Budgeting and money management 2) Paying down your debt 3) Smart ways to save 4) Protecting yourself 5) Income taxes and you 6) Planning for retirement 7) Multimedia and interactive resources 8) Financial wellness at work

Use these helpful resources to find more information on the topics that matter to you here →

← 075 Neontra Newsletter Issue #074 073 →