
Better Finances for a Better You

← All Neontra Newsletter Issue #086 085 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Did you know?

In 2022, we discarded about 62 million tons of electronic waste along with billions of dollars' worth of precious metal inside them.

Billions of dollars worth of strategically-valuable resources squandered, dumped →

Word of the week

Compounding Frequency

The frequency at which the accrued interest is paid out is known as the compounding frequency. Annually, semi-annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, or constantly (or not at all, until maturity) might be the frequency.

Discover the magic of compounding and why it's important to increasing wealth →


U.S. News Frugal Shopper bloggers offer tips on preparing for the holiday season and conducting an end-of-year financial review.

10 Frugal Ways to Save This Fall By Kimberly Palmer →

Quote of the week

"The Compound Effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices"

- Darren Hardy

Infographic of the week

Ranked: U.S. States vs. G7 Countries by GDP per Capita

This graphic charts the GDP per capita of G7 countries against select U.S. states. Why compare states vs G7? By going down to the state level we account for differences in population and aggregate demand which can mask output inequalities between the U.S. and its peer economies.

Ranked: U.S. States vs. G7 Countries by GDP per Capita How does Canada compare? →


Just starting to invest? Follow these four simple tips to avoid costly rookie mistakes by David Aston

- Be clear about your savings goal - Get investment advice if you need it - Get instant diversification with well-chosen ETFs - Use tax-advantaged accounts

Be clear about your savings goals, writes David Aston, and consider passive investing in a basket of diversified ETFs →

Fun stuff


Music About Money →

Listen to our Neontrack playlist when you have music and money on your mind.

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